
By Toronto Star, the Atkinson Foundation, & Antica Productions

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Episodes: 7


Apps have made ride-sharing, room-renting and ordering a meal easier than ever. The technology relies on a burgeoning workforce to support what's become known as the gig economy. But what does it mean when your boss is an app? Join host Sara Mojtehedzadeh as she follows a group of food couriers who are challenging the powerful business model -- in a fight that could redefine the future of work.

Episode Date
6. Golden State
Jun 22, 2020
5. Groundhog Day
Jun 15, 2020
4. Pandemic
Jun 08, 2020
3. Oshidashi
Jun 01, 2020
2. Delivery Hero
May 25, 2020
1. David vs Goliath
May 19, 2020
Introducing Hustled
May 11, 2020