Philosophize This!

By Stephen West

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Image by Stephen West

Category: Philosophy

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Episodes: 206

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Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.

Episode Date
Episode #206 ... Capitalism is dead. This is Technofeudalism. (Yanis Varoufakis)
Jul 21, 2024
Episode #205 ... Why a meritocracy is corrosive to society. (Michael Sandel)
Jul 01, 2024
Episode #204 ... The importance of philosophy, justice and the common good. (Michael Sandel)
Jun 24, 2024
Episode #203 ... Why the future is being slowly cancelled. - Postmodernism (Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism)
Jun 17, 2024
Episode #202 ... Why we can't think beyond capitalism. - Neoliberalism (Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism)
Jun 03, 2024
Episode #201 ... Resistance, Love, and the importance of Failure. (Zizek, Byung Chul Han)
May 06, 2024
Episode #200 ... The Postmodern subject and "ideology without ideology" (Zizek, Byung Chul Han, Marx)
Apr 27, 2024
Episode #199 ... A conservative communist's take on global capitalism and desire. (Zizek, Marx, Lacan)
Apr 15, 2024
Episode #198 ... The truth is in the process. - Zizek pt. 3 (ideology, dialectics)
Mar 24, 2024
Episode #197 ... New Atheists and cosmic purpose without God - (Zizek, Goff, Nagel)
Mar 10, 2024
Episode #196 ... The improbable Slavoj Zizek - Part 1
Feb 24, 2024
Episode #195 ... Could Anarcho-Capitalism be the solution to our problems? - Anarchism pt. 4 (Rothbard, Friedman, Malice)
Feb 10, 2024
Episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security)
Jan 27, 2024
Episode #193 ...The chief export of the western world is trash. - Anarchism pt. 2 (Bookchin, Social Ecology)
Jan 09, 2024
Episode #192 ... Should we overthrow the government tomorrow? - Anarchism pt. 1 (Chomsky, Malatesta)
Dec 28, 2023
Episode #191 ... The modern day concentration camp and the failure of human rights. (Giorgio Agamben)
Dec 05, 2023
Episode #190 ... Are emotions a waste of time? - Neo-Stoicism (Martha Nussbaum)
Nov 27, 2023
Episode #189 ... Everything that connects us is slowly disappearing. - Byung Chul Han pt. 2
Oct 03, 2023
Episode #188 ... Achievement Society and the rise of narcissism, depression and anxiety - Byung-Chul Han
Sep 07, 2023
Episode #187 ... How much freedom would you trade for security? (Foucault, Hobbes, Mill, Agamben)
Aug 31, 2023
Episode #186 ... Are we heading for a digital prison? - Panopticon (Foucault, Bentham, Cave)
Aug 24, 2023
Episode #185 ... Should we prepare for an AI revolution?
Aug 10, 2023
Episode #184 ... Is Artificial Intelligence really an existential risk?
Aug 02, 2023
Episode #183 ... Is ChatGPT really intelligent?
Jul 22, 2023
Episode #182 ... What if free will is an illusion?
Jul 02, 2023
Episode #181 ... What if consciousness is an illusion?
Jun 23, 2023
Episode #180 ... What if everything is consciousness? - Phillip Goff on Panpsychism
May 24, 2023
Episode #179 ... Why is consciousness something worth talking about?
Apr 24, 2023
Episode #178 ... Susan Sontag - How Much Is Your View Of Everything Affected By Metaphors?
Apr 05, 2023
Episode #177 ... Susan Sontag - Do you speak the language of pictures and videos?
Mar 22, 2023
Episode #176 ... Susan Sontag - Do you criticize yourself the way you criticize a movie?
Mar 01, 2023
Episode #175 ... Simone Weil - Vessels of God
Feb 02, 2023
Episode #174 ... Simone Weil - The Mathematician
Feb 02, 2023
Episode #173 ... Simone Weil - The Need for Roots
Jan 10, 2023
Episode #172 ... Simone Weil - Attention
Nov 21, 2022
Episode #171 ... Guy Debord - The Society of the Spectacle
Nov 01, 2022
Episode #170 ... Albert Camus - The Fall
Sep 23, 2022
Episode #169 ... Bruno Latour - We Have Never Been Modern
Aug 20, 2022
Episode #168 ... Introduction to an Ethics of Care
Jul 13, 2022
Episode #167 ... Jose Ortega - Revolt of the Masses
Jun 25, 2022
Episode #166 ... Jose Ortega - Circumstance
Jun 01, 2022
Episode #165 ... Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature and Other Things
Apr 30, 2022
Episode #164 ... Ralph Waldo Emerson - Self Reliance
Apr 22, 2022
Episode #163 ... The Creation of Meaning - Escape From Evil
Mar 02, 2022
Episode #162 ... The Creation of Meaning - The Denial of Death
Jan 25, 2022
Episode #161 ... Karl Popper - The Open Society and Its Enemies
Jan 15, 2022
Episode #160 ... The Creation of Meaning - Kierkegaard - Silence, Obedience and Joy
Jan 05, 2022
Episode #159 ... The Creation of Meaning - Nietzsche - Amor Fati
Nov 10, 2021
Episode #158 ... The Creation of Meaning - Nietzsche - The Ascetic Ideal
Oct 05, 2021
Episode #157 ... The Creation of Meaning - Beauvoir
Sep 01, 2021
Episode #156 ... Emil Cioran part 2 - Failure and Suicide
Aug 10, 2021
Episode #155 ... Emil Cioran - Absurdity and Nothingness
Jul 08, 2021
Episode #154 ... Pragmatism and Truth
Jun 22, 2021
Episode #153 ... The Frankfurt School - Walter Benjamin pt. 2 - Distraction
Apr 01, 2021
Episode #152 ... The Frankfurt School - Walter Benjamin pt. 1
Mar 19, 2021
Episode #151 ... The Frankfurt School - Erich Fromm on Freedom
Feb 06, 2021
Episode #150 ... The Frankfurt School - Erich Fromm on Love
Jan 31, 2021
Episode #149 ... On Media pt. 2 - Marshall McLuhan
Jan 05, 2021
Episode #148 ... On Media pt. 1 - Manufacturing Consent
Dec 14, 2020
Episode #147 ... Being and Becoming
Nov 10, 2020
Episode #146 ... Bergson on Laughter pt. 2 - Vitalism
Oct 20, 2020
Episode #145 ... Bergson on Laughter pt. 1 - History
Sep 19, 2020
Episode #144 ... Max Weber - Iron Cage
Jun 29, 2020
Episode #143 ... Jürgen Habermas pt. 1 - The Public Sphere
Apr 30, 2020
Episode #142 ... Richard Rorty
Apr 15, 2020
Episode #141 ... Isaiah Berlin pt. 2 - Pluralism and Culture
Mar 28, 2020
Episode #140 ... Isaiah Berlin pt. 1 - Pluralism
Mar 11, 2020
Episode #139 ... Friedrich Von Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Feb 12, 2020
Episode #138 ... Robert Nozick - The Minimal State
Jan 21, 2020
Episode #137 ... John Rawls - A Theory of Justice
Dec 30, 2019
Episode #136 ... Hannah Arendt - The Banality of Evil
Oct 31, 2019
Episode 135 ... Leo Strauss - Ancients vs. Moderns
Oct 08, 2019
Episode #134 ... Consequences of Reason
Aug 07, 2019
Episode #133 ... Carl Schmitt on Liberalism pt. 2
Jul 01, 2019
Episode #132 ... Carl Schmitt on Liberalism pt. 1
Jul 01, 2019
Episode #131 ... Gramsci - Cultural Hegemony
May 22, 2019
Episode #130 ... Dewey and Lippman on Democracy
Apr 30, 2019
Episode #129 ... Gilles Deleuze pt. 5 - Difference
Mar 16, 2019
Episode #128 ... Gilles Deleuze pt. 4 - Flows
Mar 16, 2019
Episode #127 ... Gilles Deleuze pt. 3 - Anti-Oedipus
Feb 07, 2019
Episode #126 ... Gilles Deleuze pt. 2 - Immanence
Dec 22, 2018
Episode #125 ... Gilles Deleuze pt. 1 - What is Philosophy?
Dec 08, 2018
Episode #124 ... Simulacra and Simulation
Oct 25, 2018
Episode #123 ... Michel Foucault pt. 3 - Power
Sep 24, 2018
Episode #122 ... Michel Foucault pt. 2 - The Order of Things
Sep 24, 2018
Episode #121 ... Michel Foucault pt. 1
Aug 15, 2018
Episode #120 ... Logical Positivism
Jul 27, 2018
Episode #119 ... Derrida and Words
Jun 25, 2018
Episode #118 ... A Basic Look At Postmodernism
May 21, 2018
Episode #117 ... Structuralism and Mythology pt. 2
Mar 18, 2018
Episode #116 ... Structuralism and Mythology pt. 1
Mar 18, 2018
Episode #115 ... Structuralism and Context
Jan 28, 2018
Episode #114 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 7 - The Great Refusal
Dec 23, 2017
Episode #113 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 6 - Art As A Tool For Liberation
Dec 02, 2017
Episode #112 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 5 - Civilization
Nov 06, 2017
Episode #111 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 4 - Eros
Oct 20, 2017
Episode #110 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 3 - The Culture Industry
Sep 07, 2017
Episode #109 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 2 - The Enlightenment
Aug 26, 2017
Episode #108 ... The Frankfurt School pt. 1 - Introduction
Aug 17, 2017
Episode #107 ... Simone De Beauvoir pt .3 - Responsibility
Jul 29, 2017
Episode #106 ... Simone De Beauvoir pt. 2 - The Ethics of Ambiguity
Jul 19, 2017
Episode #105 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 6 - The Self
Jul 09, 2017
Episode #104 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 5 - Consciousness is Freedom
Jun 01, 2017
Episode #103 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 4 - The Quest For Certainty
May 24, 2017
Episode #102 ... Heidegger pt. 3 - Authenticity
May 12, 2017
Episode #101 ... Heidegger pt. 2 - Science and Technology
Apr 30, 2017
Episode #100 ... Heidegger pt. 1 - Phenomenology and Dasein
Apr 14, 2017
Episode #099 ... Schopenhauer pt. 2 - Ethics
Mar 29, 2017
Episode #098 ... Schopenhauer pt. 1 - Metaphysics and Love
Mar 14, 2017
Episode #097 ... Wittgenstein ep. 1
Mar 01, 2017
Episode #096 ... Is Ayn Rand A Philosopher?
Jan 20, 2017
Episode #095 ... Are you living in a simulation?
Dec 30, 2016
Episode #094 ... A Look at Suffering
Nov 24, 2016
Episode #093 ... Nietzsche pt. 4 - Love
Nov 06, 2016
Episode #092 ... Nietzsche pt. 3 - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Oct 04, 2016
Episode #091 ... Nietzsche pt. 2 - The Will to Power
Sep 21, 2016
Episode #090 ... Nietzsche pt. 1 - God is dead and so is Captain Morgan
Aug 26, 2016
Episode #089 ... Simone De Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Aug 17, 2016
Episode #088 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 3 - The Great Debate
Jul 27, 2016
Episode #087 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 2
Jul 14, 2016
Episode #086 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 1 - Freedom
Jun 29, 2016
Episode #085 ... Peter Singer on Effective Altruism
Jun 21, 2016
Episode #084 ... William James on Truth
Jun 14, 2016
Episode #083 ... Henry David Thoreau
Jun 04, 2016
Episode #082 ... Austrians and Marx
May 26, 2016
Episode #081 ... Capitalism vs. Communism
May 11, 2016
Episode #80 ... Feuerbach on Religion
May 03, 2016
Episode #079 ... Kierkegaard on Anxiety
Mar 23, 2016
Episode #078 ... Marx and Kierkegaard on Religion pt. 2
Jan 27, 2016
Episode #077 ... Marx and Kierkegaard on Religion pt. 1
Jan 17, 2016
Episode #076 ... Hegel's God
Dec 31, 2015
Episode #075 ... How To Win An Argument Pt. 2
Dec 21, 2015
Episode #074 ... Hegel Returns
Dec 17, 2015
Episode #073 ... How To Win An Argument Pt. 1
Dec 01, 2015
Episode #072 ... Insecurity
Nov 18, 2015
Episode #071 ... Is Killing Animals For Food Morally Justifiable?
Nov 01, 2015
Episode #070 ... Off Moodiness
Oct 20, 2015
Episode #069 ... An Appeal To Reason
Oct 12, 2015
Episode #068 ... On Moodiness
Oct 06, 2015
Episode #067 ... What Hegel Was Saying!
Sep 21, 2015
Episode #066 ... Hegel pt. 1 - Introduction
Sep 14, 2015
Episode #065 ... Mary Wollstonecraft
Sep 07, 2015
Episode #064 ... Interpreting Interpretations
Aug 19, 2015
Episode #063 ... Kant pt. 8 - Limits of Knowledge
Jul 01, 2015
Episode #062 ... Kant pt. 7 - Suicide
Jun 23, 2015
Episode #061 ... Kant pt. 6 - What is Enlightenment?
Jun 14, 2015
Episode #060 ... Kant pt. 5 - The Sublime
Jun 01, 2015
Episode #059 ... Kant pt. 4 - Categorical Trolley Cars
May 28, 2015
Episode #058 ... Kant pt. 3 - Deontology vs Consequentialism
May 20, 2015
Episode #057 ... Kant pt. 2 - The Actual Introduction
May 11, 2015
Episode #056 ... Kant pt. 1 - An Introduction to the Introduction
Apr 22, 2015
Episode #055 ... Interview on Hume with Massimo Pigliucci
Apr 01, 2015
Episode #054 ... Hume pt. 4 - Art
Mar 27, 2015
Episode #053 ... David Hume pt. 3 - Custom
Mar 16, 2015
Episode #052 ... David Hume pt. 2 - Design
Mar 05, 2015
Episode #051 ... David Hume pt. 1
Feb 25, 2015
Episode #050 ... Are You Left Or Right?
Feb 07, 2015
Episode #049 ... Adam Smith pt. 2 - The Tip of the Iceberg of Wealth
Jan 27, 2015
Episode #048 ... Adam Smith pt. 1 - Specialization
Jan 18, 2015
Episode #047 ... Rousseau pt. 3 - The General Will
Jan 10, 2015
Episode #046 ... Rousseau pt. 2 - Democracy, Aristocracy or Monarchy?
Jan 02, 2015
Episode #045 ... Rousseau Government pt. 1
Dec 15, 2014
Episode #044 ... Slavery
Dec 02, 2014
Episode #043 ... Tolerance
Nov 21, 2014
Episode #042 ... Optimism
Nov 12, 2014
Episode #041 ... Belief
Nov 04, 2014
Episode #040 ... Superstition
Oct 16, 2014
Episode #039 ... The Limits of Empiricism
Oct 08, 2014
Episode #038 ... Leibniz pt. 2 - The Best of All Possible Worlds
Oct 02, 2014
Episode #037 ... Leibniz pt. 1 - A Million Points of Light
Sep 23, 2014
Episode #036 ... John Locke pt. 2 - The Blank Slate
Sep 15, 2014
Episode #035 ... John Locke pt. 1
Sep 09, 2014
Episode #034 ... Spinoza pt. 2 - Force of Nature
Sep 02, 2014
Episode #033 ... Spinoza pt. 1 - From Baruch to Benedicto
Aug 26, 2014
Episode #032 ... Blaise Pascal pt. 2 - +EV your way to success!!
Aug 19, 2014
Episode #031 ... Pascal's Wager
Aug 12, 2014
Episode #030 ... Descartes pt. 3 - God Exists
Aug 05, 2014
Episode #029 ... Descartes pt. 2 - See episode description
Jul 16, 2014
Episode #028 ... Rene Descartes pt. 1 - Context
Jul 09, 2014
Episode #027 ... Thomas Hobbes pt. 2
Jul 01, 2014
Episode #026 ... Thomas Hobbes pt. 1 - The Social Contract
Jun 17, 2014
Episode #025 ... A Scientific Method For Your Life!
Jun 10, 2014
Episode #024 ... Montaigne
Jun 04, 2014
Episode #023 ... Machiavelli
May 20, 2014
Episode #022 ... Blast off to the Renaissance!
May 13, 2014
Episode #021 ... One God - St. Thomas Aquinas
May 05, 2014
Episode #020 ... Two Medieval Approaches To God
Apr 24, 2014
Episode #019 ... Three Islamic Truths
Apr 14, 2014
Episode #018 ... Avicenna
Apr 04, 2014
Episode #017 ... Boethius
Mar 26, 2014
Episode #016 ... Saint Augustine
Feb 28, 2014
Episode #015 ... A Period of Transition - Plotinus
Feb 13, 2014
Episode #014 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 5 - A Race To The Dark Ages
Jan 18, 2014
Episode #013 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 4 - Skepticism
Jan 05, 2014
Episode #012 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 3 - Hallmarks of Stoic Ethics
Dec 20, 2013
Episode #011 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 2 - The Early Stoa and the Cynics
Dec 07, 2013
Episode #010 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 1 - Epicurus
Nov 24, 2013
Episode #009 ... The Buddha
Nov 11, 2013
Episode #008 ... Confucianism
Oct 29, 2013
Episode #007 ... Daoism
Aug 10, 2013
Episode #006 ... Aristotle Pt. 2
Jul 26, 2013
Episode #005 ... Aristotle Pt. 1
Jul 14, 2013
Episode #004 ... Plato
Jul 01, 2013
Episode #003 ... Socrates and the Sophists
Jun 23, 2013
Episode #002 ... Presocratic Philosophy - Italian
Jun 15, 2013
Episode #001 ... Presocratic Philosophy - Ionian
Jun 06, 2013