The Tim Ferriss Show

By Tim Ferriss: Bestselling Author, Human Guinea Pig

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Subscribers: 24739
Reviews: 16
Episodes: 677

 Jan 21, 2021
really enjoy all of the nuggets you are able to tease of of your guests in masterful fashion.

Jared Andrew
 Nov 12, 2020
Tim is da best!💚

 Jun 5, 2020

 Mar 29, 2020

 Jan 3, 2020


Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

Episode Date
#674: Neuroscientist David Eagleman — Exploring Consciousness, Sensory Augmentation, The Lazy Susan Method of Extraordinary Productivity, Dreaming, Improving Hearing with a Wristband, Synesthesia, Stretching Time with Novelty, Lessons from Titans of Science, and Much More
May 26, 2023
#673: Dr. Nora Volkow — Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
May 25, 2023
#672: Seth Godin — The Pursuit of Meaning, The Life-Changing Power of Choosing Your Attitude, Overcoming Rejection, Life Lessons from Zig Ziglar, and Committing to Making Positive Change
May 17, 2023
#671: Bobby Hundreds — Building an Iconic Streetwear Brand, Making $7 Million in 40 Minutes, The Power of Garfield, Why Korean Entertainment is Taking Over the World, Maintaining the Mystery, The Fickleness of Fortune, and Developing “Nunchi”
May 11, 2023
#670: The Random Show with Kevin Rose — The $1M Bitcoin Bet, Japanophilia, Rare IPAs, Preventing Hangovers, AI Companions, Fringe Discords, Affordable Luxuries, High-Fidelity Audio, and Much More
May 03, 2023
#669: Kevin Kelly — Excellent Advice for Living
Apr 26, 2023
#668: Derek Sivers — The Joys of an Un-Optimized Life, Finding Paths Less Traveled, Creating Tech Independence (and Risks of the Cloud), Taking Giant Leaps, and Picking the Right “Game of Life”
Apr 21, 2023
#667: Dr. Gül Dölen on Rethinking Psychedelics, New Applications (Autism, Stroke, and Allergies), The Neurobiology of Beginner’s Mind, Octopuses on MDMA, and The Master Key of Metaplasticity
Apr 19, 2023
#666: In Case You Missed It: March 2023 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Apr 12, 2023
#665: Danny Meyer, Founder of Shake Shack — How to Win, The Art of The Graceful “No,” Overcoming Setbacks, The 6 Traits of Exceptional People, The 4 Quadrants of Performance, Lessons from Hospitality Excellence, and More
Apr 06, 2023
#664: Dr. Kelly Starrett — The Magic of Movement and Mobility, Training for Range of Motion, Breathing for Back Pain, Improving Your Balance, and More
Mar 30, 2023
#663: In Case You Missed It: February 2023 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Mar 29, 2023
#662: David Deutsch and Naval Ravikant — The Fabric of Reality, The Importance of Disobedience, The Inevitability of Artificial General Intelligence, Finding Good Problems, Redefining Wealth, Foundations of True Knowledge, Harnessing Optimism, Quantum Computing, and More
Mar 23, 2023
#661: Dr. Peter Attia — The Science and Art of Longevity, Optimizing Protein, Alcohol Rules, Lessons from Glucose Monitoring with CGMs, Boosting Your VO2 Max, Preventing Alzheimer's Disease, Early Cancer Detection, How to Use DEXA Scans, Nature’s Longevity Drug, and More
Mar 15, 2023
#660: Dr. Andrew Huberman — The Foundations of Physical and Mental Performance, Core Supplements, Sexual Health and Fertility, Sleep Optimization, Psychedelics, and More
Mar 09, 2023
#659: Michael Mauboussin — How Great Investors Make Decisions, Harnessing The Wisdom (vs. Madness) of Crowds, Lessons from Race Horses, and More
Mar 03, 2023
#658: CEO Coach Matt Mochary — Live Coaching with Tim, Why Fear and Anger Give Bad Advice, How to Perform Personal Energy Audits, The Power of Accountability Partners, Delegation Tips, Strategies for Hiring the Right People, and More
Mar 01, 2023
#657: Professor John Vervaeke — How to Build a Life of Wisdom, Flow, and Contemplation
Feb 23, 2023
#656: Brené Brown — Striving versus Self-Acceptance, Saving Marriages, and More (Repost)
Feb 16, 2023
#655: In Case You Missed It: January 2023 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Feb 14, 2023
#654: Dr. Matthew Walker, All Things Sleep Continued — The Hidden Dangers of Melatonin, Tools for Insomnia, Enhancing Learning and Sleep Spindles, The Upsides of Sleep Divorce, How Sleep Impacts Sex (and Vice Versa), Adventures in Lucid Dreaming, The One Clock to Rule Them All, The IP Addresses of Your Memories, and More
Feb 08, 2023
#653: Elan Lee, Co-Creator of Exploding Kittens — How to Raise Millions on Kickstarter, Deconstructing Mega-Successes, Secrets of Game Design, The Power of Positive Constraints, The Delights of Craftsmanship, and The Art of Turning Fans into Superfans
Feb 02, 2023
#652: Famed Explorer Wade Davis — How to Become the Architect of Your Life, The Divine Leaf of Immortality, Rites of Passage, Voodoo Demystified, Optimism as the Purpose of Life, How to Be a Prolific Writer, Psychedelics, Monetizing the Creativity of Your Life, and More
Jan 27, 2023
#651: Legendary Investor Bill Gurley on Investing Rules, Finding Outliers, Insights from Jeff Bezos and Howard Marks, Must-Read Books, Creating True Competitive Advantages, Open-Source Strategies, Adapting Mental Models to New Realities, and More
Jan 25, 2023
#650: Dr. Matthew Walker, All Things Sleep — How to Improve Sleep, How Sleep Ties Into Alzheimer’s Disease and Weight Gain, and How Medications (Ambien, Trazodone, etc.), Caffeine, THC/CBD, Psychedelics, Exercise, Smart Drugs, Fasting, and More Affect Sleep
Jan 19, 2023
#649: Rick Rubin, Legendary Producer — Timeless Methods for Unlocking Creativity, Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight, The Future with AI, Helpful Distractions, Working with Strong Personalities, Breaking Out of “The Sameness,” and More
Jan 11, 2023
#648: James Clear, Atomic Habits — Simple Strategies for Building (and Breaking) Habits, Questions for Personal Mastery and Growth, Tactics for Writing and Launching a Mega-Bestseller, Finding Leverage, and More
Jan 04, 2023
#647: Mark Manson — The Path to 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,' The Ups (and Downs) of Success, The Craft of Writing, Personal Reinvention, How to Build a Lean Team, Protecting Boundaries, Decompressing with Fiction, and More
Dec 30, 2022
#646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin — The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Lessons from Scholar Karen Armstrong, and Much More
Dec 28, 2022
#645: The Random Show, Mega-Holiday Edition — 2023 Resolutions and New Tools, Extensive Bullshitting, Booze and Ethanol Alternatives, The “Yearly Delete,” A Million Sidebars, Ayahuasca Revisited, Recapping the COCKPUNCH Saga, and Much More
Dec 23, 2022
#644: Jonathan Haidt — The Coddling of the American Mind, How to Become Intellectually Antifragile, and How to Lose Anger by Studying Morality
Dec 21, 2022
#643: Todd McFarlane, Iconic Comic Book Artist — Lessons from Stan Lee, How to Make Art that Outlives You, How to Compete with Corporate Giants and Win (While Having Fun), Dealmaking Strategies, War Stories from Wall Street and Lawyer Land, Taking Responsibility for Your Life, and Why Creators Need to Smash Limits
Dec 16, 2022
#642: Steven Pressfield on Going from Truck Driver to Bestselling Novelist, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Building Momentum, Dancing with the Muse, Turning Pro, and Letting Your Underground River Flow
Dec 13, 2022
#641: Roland Griffiths, PhD — Life’s Ultimate Glide Path, An Unexpected Stage IV Diagnosis, Facing Death, How Meditation and Psychedelics Can Help, and The Art of Living a Life of Gratitude
Dec 09, 2022
#640: Announcing My New Fiction Podcast Series (Plus: A 50-Second Trailer)
Dec 05, 2022
#639: Todd McFarlane, Legendary Comic Book Artist — How to Make Iconic Art, Reinvent Spider-Man, Live Life on Your Own Terms, and Meet Every Deadline
Dec 01, 2022
#638: Seth Godin on The Game of Life, The Value of Hacks, and Overcoming Anxiety (Repost)
Nov 28, 2022
#637: Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad... The Biggest Object in Metascience
Nov 24, 2022
#636: The Big Reveal: The Legend of CØCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project
Nov 18, 2022
#635: Jason Calacanis on Brooklyn Grit, Big Asks, Angel Investing (Uber, Calm, Robinhood, and more), The Magic of Thinking Big, and St*bbing People in the Face but Never in the Back
Nov 18, 2022
#634: Niall Ferguson, Historian — The Coming Cold War II, Visible and Invisible Geopolitics, Why Even Atheists Should Study Religion, Masters of Paradox, Fatherhood, Fear, and More
Nov 15, 2022
#633: Chris Palmer, MD, of Harvard Medical School — Optimizing Brain Energy for Mental Health, The Incredible Potential of Metabolic Psychiatry, Extraordinary Case Studies, and Harnessing Mitochondria for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More
Nov 10, 2022
#632: Jim Collins — A Rare Interview with a Reclusive Polymath (Repost)
Oct 31, 2022
#631: In Case You Missed It: September 2022 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Oct 28, 2022
#630: Insights from Dr. Matthew Walker, Adam Grant/Atul Gawande, Diana Chapman, and Rich Roll/David Goggins
Oct 25, 2022
#629: Aryeh Bourkoff — Media's Hottest Dealmaker on How to Negotiate, Rejecting Constraints, Mastering the Calendar to Create More Time, and How to Play the Long Game
Oct 19, 2022
#628: Q&A with Tim — Revisiting 15+ Years of PR and Marketing Lessons, Time Dilation for Deep Relaxation, The Art of Setting Ultra-High Prices, The Low-Information Diet, Studying Animal Communication, My 3-Day Fasting Protocol, Tools for Handling Adversity, Selling to the Affluent, My Current Coffee and Alcohol Rules, Risk Mitigation, and Much More
Oct 11, 2022
#627: Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase — The Art of Relentless Focus, Preparing for Full-Contact Entrepreneurship, Critical Forks in the Path, Handling Haters, The Wisdom of Paul Graham, Epigenetic Reprogramming, and Much More
Oct 08, 2022
#626: Insights from Tara Brach, Ryan Holiday, Maria Popova, and Cal Newport
Oct 05, 2022
#625: Dr. John Krystal — All Things Ketamine, The Most Comprehensive Podcast Episode Ever
Sep 29, 2022
#624: Rolf Potts — The Vagabond’s Way, Tactics for Immersive Travel, Pilgrimages and Psychogeography, Empathy Machines, Full-Throated Love, The Slow Sense of Smell, Lessons from Thích Nhất Hạnh, Falling Upward, and More
Sep 27, 2022
#623: In Case You Missed It: August 2022 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Sep 27, 2022
#622: A Rare In-Person Random Show with Kevin Rose — VR Workouts, I Bonds, Excellent Movies, Recent Books, Lessons from Amy Tan, How to Shape Your Mind, and More
Sep 23, 2022
#621: UFC Hall of Famer Bas Rutten on Fundamentals of Real Self-Defense, Savage Fight Stories, How He’s Handled Bullies, Breathing Techniques for Increasing Stamina and Endurance, The Art of Personal Reinvention, and Cultivating the Practice of Prayer
Sep 14, 2022
#620: Dr. Gabor Maté — The Myth of Normal, Metabolizing Anger, Processing Trauma, and Finding the Still Voice Within
Sep 07, 2022
#619: Dr. Suresh Muthukumaraswamy — LSD Microdosing, Classical Psychedelics vs. Ketamine, Science and Speed in New Zealand, Placebo Options, and The Infinite Possibilities of Studying Mind-Altering Compounds
Sep 02, 2022
#618: Roelof Botha — Investing with the Best, Ulysses Pacts, The Magic of Founder-Problem Fit, How to Use Pre-Mortems and Pre-Parades, Learning from Crucible Moments, and Daring to Dream
Aug 31, 2022
#617: In Case You Missed It: July 2022 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Aug 27, 2022
#616: Insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman, Greg McKeown, Jocko Willink, Brené Brown, and Naval Ravikant
Aug 24, 2022
#615: Dr. Andrew Weil — The 4-7-8 Breath Method, Cannabis, The Uses of Coca Leaf, Rehabilitating Demonized Plants, Kava for Anxiety, Lessons from Wade Davis, The Psychedelic Renaissance, How to Emerge from Depression, Tales from 50+ Visits to Japan, Matcha Benefits, and More
Aug 17, 2022
#614: Q&A with Tim on Wealth and Money, Book Recommendations, Advice on Taking Advice, C.S. Lewis, Relationships, Behavior Change and Self-Awareness, Why We Are All (Mostly) Making It Up as We Go, and Much More
Aug 11, 2022
#613: Russ Roberts on Lessons from F.A. Hayek and Nassim Taleb, Decision-Making Insights from Charles Darwin, The Dangers of Scientism, Wild Problems in Life and the Decisions That Define Us, Learnings from the Talmud, The Role of Prayer, and The Journey to Transcendence
Aug 05, 2022
#612: Will MacAskill of Effective Altruism Fame — The Value of Longtermism, Tools for Beating Stress and Overwhelm, AI Scenarios, High-Impact Books, and How to Save the World and Be an Agent of Change
Aug 02, 2022
#611: Liv Boeree, Poker and Life — Core Strategies, Turning $500 into $1.7M, Cage Dancing, Game Theory, and Metaphysical Curiosities
Jul 28, 2022
#610: The Life-Extension Episode — Dr. Matt Kaeberlein on The Dog Aging Project, Rapamycin, Metformin, Spermidine, NAD+ Precursors, Urolithin A, Acarbose, and Much More
Jul 27, 2022
#609: In Case You Missed It: June 2022 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show”
Jul 24, 2022
#608: Signal Over Noise with Noah Feldman — The War in Ukraine (Recap and Predictions), The Machiavelli of Maryland, Best Books to Understand Geopolitics, The Battles for Free Speech on Social Media, Metaverse Challenges, and More
Jul 21, 2022
#607: Luis von Ahn, Co-Founder and CEO of Duolingo — How to Be (Truly) Mission-Driven, Monetization Experiments, 10x Growth, Org Chart Iterations for Impacting Metrics, The Intricate Path to an IPO, Best Hiring Practices, Catching Exam Cheaters, The Allure of Toto Toilets, The Future of Duolingo, and How to Stand Out in Your Career
Jul 13, 2022
#606: Balaji S. Srinivasan — 5-10-Year Predictions, How to Start a New Country, Society-as-a-Service (SaaS), Bitcoin Maximalism, Memetic Warfare, How Prices Are Born, Moral Flippenings, The One Commandment, and The Power of Missionary over Mercenary
Jul 04, 2022
#605: Hamilton Morris and Dr. Mark Plotkin — Exploring the History of Psychoactive Substances, Synthetic vs. Natural Options, Microdosing, 5-MeO-DMT, The “Drunken Monkey” Hypothesis, Timothy Leary’s Legacy, and More
Jul 01, 2022
#604: Master Investor Ed Thorp on How to Think for Yourself, Mental Models for the Second Half of Life, How to Be Inner-Directed, How Basic Numeracy Is a Superpower, and The Dangers of Investing Fads
Jun 28, 2022
#603: In Case You Missed It: May 2022 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Jun 24, 2022
#602: Legendary Comedian Bill Burr — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Jun 23, 2022
#601: Jack Kornfield — How to Overcome Apathy and Find Beautiful Purpose
Jun 22, 2022
#600: Jason Portnoy of PayPal, Palantir, and More — Porn Addiction, The Corrosiveness of Secrets, Healing Wounds, Escaping Shame Cycles, and Books to Change Your Life
Jun 15, 2022
#599: New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert
Jun 08, 2022
#598: Primatologist Isabel Behncke on Play, Sexual Selection, and Lessons from Following Bonobos for 3,000 Kilometers in the Jungles of Congo
Jun 01, 2022
#597: Morgan Fallon — 10 Years on the Road with Anthony Bourdain, 9 Emmy Nominations, Lessons from Michael Mann, Adventures with Steven Rinella, High Standards, Wisdom from West Virginia, and More
May 27, 2022
#596: Edward O. Thorp, A Man For All Markets — Beating Blackjack and Roulette, Beating the Stock Market, Spotting Bernie Madoff Early, and Knowing When Enough is Enough
May 25, 2022
#595: In Case You Missed It: April 2022 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
May 20, 2022
#594: Cal Newport and Tim Ferriss Revisit "The 4-Hour Workweek" (Plus: The Allure and The Void of Remote Work, Unsustainable Behaviors, Burning Out, The Cult of Productivity, and More)
May 17, 2022
#593: Richard Wiseman on Lessons from Dale Carnegie, How to Keep a Luck Diary, Mentalism, The Psychology of the Paranormal, Mass Participation Experiments, NLP, Remote Viewing, and Attempting the Impossible
May 10, 2022
#592: Dennis McKenna — An Ethnopharmacologist on Hallucinogens, Sex-Crazed Cicadas, The Mushrooms of Language, BioGnosis, and Illuminating Obscure Corners
May 04, 2022
#591: Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine Fame — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Apr 29, 2022
#590: Tony Fadell of iPod, iPhone, and Nest Fame — Stories of Steve Jobs on “Vacation,” Product Design and Team Building, Good Assholes vs. Bad Assholes, Investing in Trends Before They Become Trends, The Hydrogen Economy, The Future of Batteries, and More
Apr 27, 2022
#589: In Case You Missed It: March 2022 Recap of The Tim Ferriss Show
Apr 25, 2022
#588: A.J. Jacobs — How to Be Less Furious and More Curious
Apr 22, 2022
#587: Terry Crews on Masculinity, True Power, Therapy, and Resisting Cynicism
Apr 20, 2022
#586: The Random Show with Kevin Rose — Current Books, Men's Groups, Tuna Helper, the Latest in NFTs, Fierce Intimacy, and More
Apr 14, 2022
#585: Professor Donald Hoffman — The Case Against Reality, Beyond Spacetime, Rethinking Death, Panpsychism, QBism, and More
Apr 13, 2022
#584: Bo Shao — His Path from Food Rations to Managing Billions, the Blessings and Burdens of Chasing Perfection, Building the eBay of China in 1999, Pillars of Parenting, and Pursuing the Unpopular
Apr 06, 2022
#583: Susan Cain on Transforming Pain, Building Your Emotional Resilience, Exploring Sufi Wisdom, Tapping into Bittersweet Songs, and Seeking the Shards of Light
Mar 31, 2022
#582: Mark Zuckerberg on Long-Term Strategy, Business and Parenting Principles, Personal Energy Management, Building the Metaverse, Seeking Awe, the Role of Religion, Solving Deep Technical Challenges (e.g., AR), and More
Mar 24, 2022
#581: Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Stewart Copeland — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Mar 18, 2022
#580: In Case You Missed It: February 2022 Recap of The Tim Ferriss Show
Mar 17, 2022
#579: Jane McGonigal — How She Predicted COVID in 2010, Becoming the Expert of Your Own Future, Trust Warfare, the 10-Year Winter, and How to Cultivate Optimism
Mar 16, 2022
#578: Tim Ferriss and Matt Mullenweg in Antarctica: Exploring Personal Fears, Bucket Lists, Facing Grief, Crafting Life Missions, and Tim’s Best Penguin Impressions
Mar 09, 2022
#577: Hugh Jackman on Best Decisions, Daily Routines, The 85% Rule, Favorite Exercises, Mind Training, and Much More (Repost)
Mar 04, 2022
#576: Morgan Housel — The Psychology of Money, Picking the Right Game, and the $6 Million Janitor
Mar 02, 2022
#575: Neil Gaiman — The Interview I've Waited 20 Years to Do (Repost)
Feb 28, 2022
#574: Arnold Schwarzenegger on Psychological Warfare (And Much More) (Repost)
Feb 25, 2022
#573: Margaret Atwood — A Living Legend on Creative Process, The Handmaid’s Tale, Being a Mercenary Child, Resisting Labels, the Poet Rug Exchange, Liminal Beings, Burning Questions, Practical Utopias, and More
Feb 23, 2022
#572: In Case You Missed It: January 2022 Recap of The Tim Ferriss Show
Feb 17, 2022
#571: Boyd Varty — The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life
Feb 16, 2022
#570: Marine Biologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson on How to Catalyze Change with Awe and Wonder, How to Save the Planet, Finding Your Unique Venn Diagram of Strength, and Seeking the Minimum Effective Dose
Feb 09, 2022
#569: ESPN Co-Founder Bill Rasmussen — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Feb 04, 2022
#568: Cal Newport — The Eternal Pursuit of Craftsmanship, the Deep Life, Slow Productivity, and a 30-Day Digital Minimalism Challenge
Feb 02, 2022
#567: A Rare Podcast at 30 Below Zero — Sue Flood on Antarctica, Making Your Own Luck, Chasing David Attenborough, and Reinventing Yourself
Jan 28, 2022
#566: John List — A Master Economist on Strategic Quitting, How to Practice Theory of Mind, Learnings from Uber, Optimizations to Boost Donations, the Primitives of Decision-Making, and How Field Experiments Reveal Hidden Realities
Jan 26, 2022
#565: Michael Schur, Creator of “The Good Place” — How SNL Trains Writers, His TV University at “The Office,” Lessons from Lorne Michaels, Wisdom from David Foster Wallace, and Exploring Moral Philosophy with “How to Be Perfect”
Jan 19, 2022
#564: Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Jan 14, 2022
#563: Sarah Silverman — The Joy of Being Alone, Becoming Your Own Best Friend, Insights from Therapy, and More
Jan 13, 2022
#562: Dr. Michio Kaku — Exploring Time Travel, the Beauty of Physics, Parallel Universes, the Mind of God, String Theory, Lessons from Einstein, and More
Jan 07, 2022
#561: Rich Roll — Reinventing Your Life at 30, 40, and Beyond
Jan 05, 2022
#560: Zen Master Henry Shukman — 20 Minutes of Calm, Plus the Strange and Powerful World of Koans
Dec 29, 2021
#559: Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Conduct a ‘Past Year Review’ Instead
Dec 27, 2021
#558: Ann Miura-Ko — The Path from Shyness to World-Class Debater and Investor (Repost)
Dec 23, 2021
#557: Q&A with Tim — Tools for Better Sleep, Musings on Parenting, the Different Roles of Fear, the Delight of Deepening Friendships, the Purpose of College, How to Boost Your Mood, HRV Training, and More
Dec 22, 2021
#556: The Incredible Kyle Maynard — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Dec 16, 2021
#555: The Liberation of Cosmic Insignificance Therapy — Oliver Burkeman
Dec 15, 2021
#554: Jerry Colonna — How to Reboot Yourself and Feel Unrushed in the New Year
Dec 14, 2021
#553: Jessica Lahey on Parenting, Desirable Difficulties, The Gift of Failure, Self-Efficacy, and The Addiction Inoculation
Dec 09, 2021
#552: Aisha Tyler — How to Use Pain, Comedy, and Practice for Creativity (Repost)
Dec 07, 2021
#551: TOMS Founder Blake Mycoskie — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Dec 02, 2021
#550: Andrew Chen — Metaverse, Metrics, and Meerkats
Nov 30, 2021
#549: The Random Show — Biohacking, Tim’s COVID Experience, Holiday Gift Ideas, Favorite New Apps, Bad Science, Quarantine Delights, and a Small Dose of NFTs and DAOs
Nov 24, 2021
#548: The Lost Presentation That Launched The 4-Hour Workweek — “Secrets of Doing More with Less in a Digital World” from SXSW 2007
Nov 18, 2021
#547: Balaji Srinivasan — Centralized China vs Decentralized World, The DeFi Matrix, Ascending vs Descending Trends, Bitcoin Mining as Energy Storage, Reputational Civil War, and Maximalism vs. Optimalism
Nov 16, 2021
#546: Master Magician David Blaine — Fear{less} with Tim Ferriss
Nov 11, 2021
#545: Marco Canora — The Art of Food, Eating, Nutrition, and Life
Nov 10, 2021
#544: How to Design a Life — Debbie Millman (Repost)
Nov 05, 2021
#543: Legendary Investor John Doerr on Picking Winners — From Google in 1999 to Solving the Climate Crisis Now
Nov 03, 2021
#542: Chris Dixon and Naval Ravikant — The Wonders of Web3, How to Pick the Right Hill to Climb, Finding the Right Amount of Crypto Regulation, Friends with Benefits, and the Untapped Potential of NFTs
Oct 28, 2021
#541: Eric Schmidt — The Promises and Perils of AI, the Future of Warfare, Profound Revolutions on the Horizon, and Exploring the Meaning of Life
Oct 26, 2021
#540: Harvard Polymath Noah Feldman — Deep Focus for Hyper-Productivity, Learning 10+ Languages, Predicting the Future with History, the Possibilities (and Limitations) of DAOs, Lessons from the Iraq Invasion, Designing the Supreme Court of Facebook, the Virtue of Scholarship, and the Wild Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Oct 21, 2021
#539: Alisa Cohn on Prenups for Startup Founders, How to Reinvent Your Career, the Importance of "Pre-Mortems," and the Three Selves
Oct 19, 2021
#538: How I Built The Tim Ferriss Show to 700+ Million Downloads — An Immersive Explanation of All Aspects and Key Decisions (Featuring Chris Hutchins)
Oct 14, 2021
#537: The Hidden Knowledge of Animals — Mark Plotkin on Nature’s Medicine Cabinet
Oct 13, 2021
#536: Diana Chapman — How to Get Unstuck, Do “The Work,” Take Radical Responsibility, and Reduce Drama in Your Life
Oct 06, 2021
#535: General Stanley McChrystal — Mastering Risk: A User's Guide
Sep 30, 2021
#534: Michael Dell, Founder of Dell — Early Failures, Battling Carl Icahn, Learning from the Competition, and How to Play Nice But Win
Sep 28, 2021
#533: Paul Conti, MD — How Trauma Works and How to Heal from It
Sep 22, 2021
#532: Sheila Heen of The Harvard Negotiation Project — How to Navigate Hard Conversations, the Subtle Art of Apologizing, and a Powerful 60-Day Challenge
Sep 15, 2021
#531: Henry Shukman — Zen, Tools for Awakening, Ayahuasca vs. Meditation, Intro to Koans, and Using Wounds as the Doorway
Sep 08, 2021
#530: Sir James Dyson — Founder of Dyson and Master Inventor on How to Turn the Mundane into Magic
Sep 02, 2021
#529: Iconic Therapist Dr. Sue Johnson — How to Improve Sex and Crack the Code of Love
Aug 26, 2021
#528: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, on Homeschooling, Atheism, Understanding Financial Markets, Ayn Rand, Favorite Books, and More
Aug 24, 2021
#527: The Random Show — Life-Extension Misadventures, Blockchain/Crypto Investing, NFT Experiments, Dogecoin, Zen Buddhism, and Weathering Sharp Elbows
Aug 18, 2021
#526: B. Jeffrey Madoff — Dealmaking, The Hidden Persuaders, Working with Ralph Lauren, and Finding the Secret to Life in the Mojave Desert
Aug 11, 2021
#525: Giuliana Furci on the Wonders of Mycology, Wisdom from Jane Goodall, Favorite Books, and the World’s Largest Fungarium
Aug 04, 2021
#524: Ramit Sethi — How to Play Offense with Money, Plan Bucket Lists, Build a Rich Life with Your Partner, and Take a Powerful $100 Challenge
Jul 28, 2021
#523: Dennis McKenna — The Depths of Ayahuasca: 500+ Sessions, Fundamentals, Advanced Topics, Science, Churches, Learnings, Warnings, and Beyond
Jul 21, 2021
#522: Anne Lamott on Taming Your Inner Critic, Finding Grace, and Prayer
Jul 14, 2021
#521: Dr. Andrew Huberman — A Neurobiologist on Optimizing Sleep, Enhancing Performance, Reducing Anxiety, Increasing Testosterone, and Using the Body to Control the Mind
Jul 07, 2021
#520: Michael Pollan — This Is Your Mind on Plants
Jun 30, 2021
#518: Q&A with Tim — Current Morning and Exercise Routines, Holotropic Breathwork, Ambition vs. Self-Compassion, Daily Practices for Joy, Ontological Shock, and More
Jun 16, 2021
#517: Dr. Peter Attia on Longevity Drugs, Alzheimer's Disease, and the 3 Most Important Levers to Pull
Jun 09, 2021
#516: Suleika Jaouad on Invaluable Road Trips, the Importance of a To-Feel List, and Finding Artistic Homes
Jun 01, 2021
#515: Chris Bosh on How to Reinvent Yourself, The Way and The Power, the Poison of Complaining, Leonardo da Vinci, and More
May 26, 2021
#514: Chip Wilson — Building Lululemon, The Art of Setting Goals, and The 10 Great Decisions of Your Life
May 19, 2021
#513: Sebastian Junger — Seeking Freedom, Near-Death Experiences, and Reordering Your Place in the World
May 11, 2021
#512: Jacqueline Novogratz on Building Acumen, How to (Actually) Change the World, Speaking Your Truth, and The Incredible Power of “Dumb” Questions
May 05, 2021
#511: Hamilton Morris on Iboga, 5-MeO-DMT, The Power of Ritual, New Frontiers in Psychedelics, Excellent Problems to Solve, and More
Apr 29, 2021
#510: Greg McKeown — The Art of Effortless Results, How to Take the Lighter Path, the Joys of Simplicity, and More
Apr 22, 2021
#509: George Mumford, Mindfulness Coach to Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, on Awareness, Compassionate Action, The Dizziness of Freedom, and More
Apr 15, 2021
#508: Plants of the Gods — Dr. Mark Plotkin on Ayahuasca, Shamanic Knowledge, the Curse and Blessing of Coca, and More
Apr 08, 2021
#507: Dr. Adam Gazzaley, UCSF — Brain Optimization and The Future of Psychedelic Medicine
Mar 30, 2021
#506: Balaji Srinivasan on The Future of Bitcoin and Ethereum, How to Become Noncancelable, the Path to Personal Freedom and Wealth in a New World, the Changing Landscape of Warfare, and More
Mar 25, 2021
#505: Elizabeth Lesser on Building Omega Institute, ADD (Authenticity Deficit Disorder), and Seeking The Emotion of Illumination
Mar 16, 2021
#504: Vitalik Buterin, Creator of Ethereum, on Understanding Ethereum, ETH vs. BTC, ETH2, Scaling Plans and Timelines, NFTs, Future Considerations, Life Extension, and More (Featuring Naval Ravikant)
Mar 09, 2021
#503: Walter Isaacson on CRISPR, Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
Mar 04, 2021
#502: Jordan Peterson on Rules for Life, Psychedelics, The Bible, and Much More
Mar 02, 2021
#501: Steven Pressfield — How to Overcome Self-Sabotage and Resistance, Routines for Little Successes, and The Hero’s Journey vs. The Artist’s Journey
Feb 26, 2021
#500: KevKev TimTim TalkTalk on Dragon Slaying, Lessons Learned, Viagra, and Assorted Nonsense
Feb 24, 2021
#499: Katie Haun on the Dark Web, Gangs, Investigating Bitcoin, and The New Magic of "Nifties" (NFTs)
Feb 18, 2021
#498: Josh Waitzkin and Tim Ferriss on The Cave Process, Advice from Future Selves, and Training for an Uncertain Future
Feb 16, 2021
#497: Joyce Carol Oates — A Writing Icon on Creative Process and Creative Living
Feb 10, 2021
#496: Marc Randolph on Building Netflix, Battling Blockbuster, Negotiating with Amazon/Bezos, and Scraping the Barnacles Off the Hull
Feb 01, 2021
#495: David Rubenstein, Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group, on Lessons Learned, Jeff Bezos, Raising Billions of Dollars, Advising Presidents, and Sprinting to the End
Jan 27, 2021
#494: Michael Phelps and Grant Hackett — Two Legends on Competing, Overcoming Adversity, Must-Read Books, and Much More
Jan 21, 2021
#493: The Random Show — Bitcoin Pros and Cons, 2021 Resolutions, Fave Books, Lucid Dreaming, Couples Therapy, and More
Jan 19, 2021
#492: Richard Schwartz — IFS, Psychedelic Experiences Without Drugs, and Finding Inner Peace for Our Many Parts
Jan 14, 2021
#491: Dr. Stefi Cohen — 25 World Records, Power Training, Deadlifting 4.4x Bodyweight, Sports Psychology, Overcoming Pain, and More
Jan 07, 2021
#490: Dr. Jim Loehr on Mental Toughness, Energy Management, the Power of Journaling, and Olympic Gold Medals
Dec 28, 2020
#489: Guy Raz Interviews Tim Ferriss — How I Built This — Key Lessons, Critical Decisions, and Reinvention for Fun and Profit
Dec 25, 2020
#488: Leo Babauta on Zen Habits, Antifragility, Contentment, and Unschooling
Dec 22, 2020
#487: Dr. Martine Rothblatt — A Masterclass on Asking Better Questions and Peering Into the Future
Dec 16, 2020
#486: Harley Finkelstein — Tactics and Strategies from Shopify, The Future of Retail, and More
Dec 10, 2020
#485: Jerry Seinfeld — A Comedy Legend’s Systems, Routines, and Methods for Success
Dec 08, 2020
#484: Daniel Ek, CEO of Spotify — Habits, Systems and Mental Models for Top Performance
Dec 03, 2020
#483: Jim Collins on The Value of Small Gestures, Unseen Sources of Power, and More
Dec 02, 2020
#482: Steven Rinella — A Short Introduction to True Wilderness Skills and Survival
Nov 24, 2020
#481: Dan Harris on Becoming 10% Happier, Hugging Inner Dragons, Self-Help for Skeptics, Training the Mind, and Much More
Nov 19, 2020
#480: Dax Shepard on the Craft of Podcasting, Favorite Books, and Dancing With Your Demons
Nov 18, 2020
#479: Mary Karr — The Master of Memoir on Creative Process and Finding Gifts in the Suffering
Nov 12, 2020
#478: Scott Kelly — Lessons Learned from 500+ Days in Space, Life-Changing Books, and The Art of Making Hard Choices
Nov 05, 2020
#477: Yuval Noah Harari on The Story of Sapiens, Forging the Skill of Awareness, and The Power of Disguised Books
Oct 28, 2020
#476: Seth Godin on The Game of Life, The Value of Hacks, and Overcoming Anxiety
Oct 26, 2020
#475: Mr. Money Mustache — Living Beautifully on $25-27K Per Year (Repost)
Oct 23, 2020
#474: Matthew McConaughey — The Power of “No, Thank You,” Key Life Lessons, 30+ Years of Diary Notes, and The Art of Catching Greenlights
Oct 19, 2020
#473: Naval Ravikant on Happiness, Reducing Anxiety, Crypto Stablecoins, and Crypto Strategy
Oct 15, 2020
#472: Books I've Loved — Debbie Millman
Oct 09, 2020
#471: Adam Grant — How to Remember Anything
Oct 08, 2020
#470: Steven Rinella on Hunting (And Why You Should Care), Reconnecting with Nature, Favorite Trips, and More
Oct 06, 2020
#469: Dr. Mark Plotkin on Ethnobotany, Real vs. Fake Shamans, Hallucinogens, and the Dalai Lamas of South America
Sep 30, 2020
#468: Books I've Loved — Cal Fussman
Sep 27, 2020
#467: Dustin Yellin on Making Art, Weaving Madness, and Forging Your Own Path
Sep 25, 2020
#466: Richard Koch on Mastering the 80/20 Principle, Achieving Unreasonable Success, and The Art of Gambling
Sep 22, 2020
#465: Jamie Foxx on Workout Routines, Success Habits, and Untold Hollywood Stories (Repost)
Sep 18, 2020
#464: Tim Ferriss — My Healing Journey After Childhood Abuse
Sep 15, 2020
#463: Esther Perel — The Relationship Episode: Sex, Love, Polyamory, Marriage, and More (Repost)
Sep 12, 2020
#462: Guy Raz — Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs, The Story of 'How I Built This,' Overcoming Anxiety and Depression, and More
Sep 10, 2020
#461: Kelly Slater — The Surfing Legend on Routine, Rickson Gracie, Favorite Books, and Overcoming Setbacks
Sep 08, 2020
#460: Maria Popova on Writing, Workflow, and Workarounds (Repost)
Sep 06, 2020
#459: Books I've Loved — Alain de Botton
Sep 04, 2020
#458: The Psychedelic News Hour: New Breakthroughs, Compound Comparisons and Warnings (Psilocybin/LSD/Ayahuasca/N,N-DMT/5-MeO-DMT), Treatment of Trauma, Scalable vs. Unscalable Approaches, Making Sense of “Bad” Trips, and Much More
Sep 03, 2020
#457: Chuck Palahniuk, Author of Fight Club — A Masterclass in Creative Living and Dangerous Writing
Sep 02, 2020
#456: The Power of Myth — The Hero’s Adventure with Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers
Aug 27, 2020
#455: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on Powerful Books, Mystics, Richard Dawkins, and the Dangers of Safe Spaces
Aug 26, 2020
#454: Books I've Loved — Whitney Cummings
Aug 21, 2020
#453: The Random Show — Zen, Investing, Mike Tyson, Artificial Intelligence, and the World's Best Beers
Aug 20, 2020
#452: Sia — The Alchemy of Blockbuster Songs, Billions of Views, and the Face You’ve Never Seen
Aug 12, 2020
#451: Mike Novogratz on Investing, Bitcoin, Ayahuasca, and Running Through The Sahara Desert
Aug 05, 2020
#450: Books I've Loved — Neil Strauss
Jul 31, 2020
#449: Grandmaster Maurice Ashley — The Path and Strategies of World-Class Mastery
Jul 29, 2020
#448: Brad Feld — The Art of Unplugging, Carving Your Own Path, and Riding the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster
Jul 23, 2020
#447: Books I've Loved — Ann Miura-Ko
Jul 17, 2020
#446: Blake Mycoskie — TOMS, The Hoffman Process, Conscious Uncoupling, and Psychedelics
Jul 16, 2020
#445: Janna Levin on Extra Dimensions, Time Travel, and How to Overcome Boots in the Face
Jul 09, 2020
#444: Hugh Jackman on Best Decisions, Daily Routines, The 85% Rule, Favorite Exercises, Mind Training, and Much More
Jun 30, 2020
#443: David Yarrow on Art, Markets, Business, and Combining It All
Jun 25, 2020
#442: Tribe of Mentors — Naval Ravikant, Susan Cain, and Yuval Noah Harari
Jun 22, 2020
#441: John Paul DeJoria — From Homelessness to Building Paul Mitchell and Patrón Tequila
Jun 17, 2020
#440: Rick Doblin — The Psychedelic Domino That Tips All Others
Jun 12, 2020
#439: Tools of Titans — Derek Sivers, BJ Miller, and Christopher Sommer
Jun 10, 2020
#438: Coach George Raveling on This Unique Moment in Time, How to Practice Self-Leadership, Navigating Difficult Conversations, and Much More
Jun 08, 2020
#437: Secretary Madeleine Albright — Optimism, The Future of the US, and 450-Pound Leg Presses
May 27, 2020
#436: Books I've Loved — Maria Popova and Tyler Cowen
May 25, 2020
#435: Kevin Hart — The Unstoppable Combination of Positivity and Relentless Improvement
May 21, 2020
#434: Jim Dethmer — How to Shift from Victim Consciousness, Reduce Drama, Practice Candor, Be Fully Alive, and More
May 18, 2020
#433: Sam Harris on Psychedelics, How to Cope During a Pandemic, Taming Anxiety, and More
May 15, 2020
#432: Books I've Loved — Kevin Kelly
May 13, 2020
#431: Howard Marks on the US Dollar, Three Ways to Add Defense, and Good Questions
May 11, 2020
#430: Elizabeth Gilbert’s Creative Path: Saying No, Trusting Your Intuition, Index Cards, Integrity Checks, Grief, Awe, and Much More
May 09, 2020
#429: Nick Kokonas on Resurrecting Restaurants, Skin in the Game, and Investing
May 06, 2020
#428: Jim Jefferies on Comedy, Life Lessons, and the Magic of Filling Out Customs Forms
May 04, 2020
#427: Michael Lewis — Inside the Mind of the Iconic Writer
May 01, 2020
#426: The Random Show: Boozy Quarantine Edition!
Apr 29, 2020
#425: Books I've Loved — Cindy Eckert and Alexis Ohanian
Apr 27, 2020
#424: Brian Koppelman on Making Art, Francis Ford Coppola, Building Momentum, and More
Apr 23, 2020
#423: Rana el Kaliouby — AI, Emotional Intelligence, and The Journey of Finding Oneself
Apr 21, 2020
#422: Fear-Setting: The Most Valuable Exercise I Do Every Month
Apr 20, 2020
#421: Dr. Jane Goodall — The Legend, The Lessons, The Hope
Apr 16, 2020
#420: Books I've Loved — Matt Mullenweg
Apr 13, 2020
#419: Ryan Holiday — How to Use Stoicism to Choose Alive Time Over Dead Time
Apr 09, 2020
#418: Esther Perel — Tactics for Relationships in Quarantine
Apr 02, 2020
#417: Dr. Vivek Murthy — Former Surgeon General on Combatting COVID-19, Loneliness, and More
Mar 26, 2020
#416: How to Support Healthcare Workers Now — Plus Urgent Suggestions for Uber Eats, Hilton, Amazon, and More
Mar 21, 2020
#415: Lori Gottlieb — The Power of Getting to *Unknow* Yourself
Mar 19, 2020
#414: Jack Kornfield — How to Find Peace Amidst COVID-19, How to Cultivate Calm in Chaos
Mar 12, 2020
#413: Tyler Cowen on Rationality, COVID-19, Talismans, and Life on the Margins
Mar 05, 2020
#412: Josh Waitzkin on Beginner’s Mind, Self-Actualization, and Advice from Your Future Self
Feb 27, 2020
#411: Richard Turner — The Magical Phenom Who Will Blow Your Mind
Feb 20, 2020
#410: Ryan Holiday — Turning the Tables
Feb 13, 2020
#409: Brené Brown — Striving versus Self-Acceptance, Saving Marriages, and More
Feb 06, 2020
#408: The Random Show — New Year's Resolutions, 2010-2019 Lessons Learned, Finding Joy, Energy Management, and Much More
Jan 30, 2020
#407: Sam Zell — Strategies for High-Stakes Investing and Dealmaking
Jan 23, 2020
#406: Bob Iger — CEO and Chairman of Disney
Jan 16, 2020
#405: Penn Jillette on Magic, Losing 100+ Pounds, and Weaponizing Kindness
Jan 09, 2020
#404: Books I've Loved — Steve Jurvetson
Dec 30, 2019
#403: Tony Fadell — On Building the iPod, iPhone, Nest, and a Life of Curiosity
Dec 23, 2019
#402: Books I've Loved — Seth Godin and Esther Perel
Dec 16, 2019
#401: Gary Keller — How to Focus on the One Important Thing
Dec 12, 2019
#400: Books I’ve Loved — Tim’s Four Must-Read Books
Dec 09, 2019
#399: Adam Grant — The Man Who Does Everything
Dec 05, 2019
#398: Peter Attia, M.D. — Fasting, Metformin, Athletic Performance, and More
Nov 27, 2019
#397: Two Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer
Nov 25, 2019
#396: Marcela Ot’alora — How to Become a Psychedelic Therapist
Nov 22, 2019
#395: Jocko Willink Takeover — On Quitting, Relationships, Financial Discipline, Contrast Baths, and More
Nov 14, 2019
#394: Q&A With Tim — On Wealth, Legacy, Grief, Lyme Disease, Gratitude, Longevity, and More
Nov 07, 2019
#393: Edward Norton — On Creative Process, Creative Struggle, and Motherless Brooklyn
Oct 31, 2019
#392: Ben Horowitz — What You Do Is Who You Are >> Lessons from Silicon Valley, Andy Grove, Genghis Khan, Slave Revolutions, and More
Oct 24, 2019
#391: The Random Show — On Fasting, Forest Bathing, How to Say NO, Rebooting the Self, and Much More
Oct 17, 2019
#390: Q&A With Tim — On Happiness, Dating, Depressive Episodes, and Much More
Oct 10, 2019
#389: Neil deGrasse Tyson — How to Dream Big, Think Scientifically, and Get More Done
Oct 03, 2019
#388: Lisa Ling — Exploring Subcultures, Learning to Feel, and Changing Perception
Sep 26, 2019
#387: Tristan Harris — Fighting Skynet and Firewalling Attention
Sep 19, 2019
#386: Ken Burns — A Master Filmmaker on Creative Process, the Long Game, and the Noumenal
Sep 12, 2019
#385: The World's Largest Psychedelic Research Center
Sep 10, 2019
#384: David Allen — The Art of Getting Things Done (GTD)
Sep 03, 2019
#383: Mike Phillips — How to Save a Species
Aug 21, 2019
#382: Safi Bahcall — On Hypnosis, Conquering Insomnia, Incentives, and More
Aug 16, 2019
#381: Charles Koch — CEO of Koch Industries
Aug 11, 2019
#380: Ed Zschau — The Polymath Professor Who Changed My Life
Aug 01, 2019
#379: Dita Von Teese — The Queen of Burlesque
Jul 29, 2019
#378: Nick Norris — Navy SEAL and Athlete on Training, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Healing
Jul 18, 2019
#377: Psychedelics — Microdosing, Mind-Enhancing Methods, and More
Jul 15, 2019
#376: How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions (Repost)
Jul 04, 2019
#375: Josh Waitzkin — How to Cram 2 Months of Learning into 1 Day
Jun 26, 2019
#374: Chip Conley — Building Empires, Tackling Cancer, and Surfing the Liminal
Jun 20, 2019
#373: Jerry Colonna — The Coach With the Spider Tattoo
Jun 12, 2019
#372: Julie Rice — Co-Founding SoulCycle, Taming Anxiety, and Mastering Difficult Conversations
Jun 03, 2019
#371: Ramit Sethi — Automating Finances, Negotiating Prenups, Disagreeing with Tim, and More
May 21, 2019
#370.5: Derek Sivers on Developing Confidence, Finding Happiness, and Saying “No” to Millions (Repost)
May 11, 2019
#370: Adam Savage on Great Tools, Great Projects, and Great Lessons
Apr 30, 2019
#369: Kevin Systrom — Tactics, Books, and the Path to a Billion Users
Apr 25, 2019
#368: Amanda Palmer on Creativity, Pain, and Art
Apr 18, 2019
#367: Eric Schmidt — Lessons from a Trillion-Dollar Coach
Apr 09, 2019
#366: Neil Gaiman — The Interview I've Waited 20 Years To Do
Mar 28, 2019
#365: Michael Pollan — Exploring the Frontiers of Psychedelics
Mar 21, 2019
#364: Safi Bahcall — On Thinking Big, Curing Cancer, and Transforming Industries
Mar 15, 2019
#363: Tea Time with Tim — How to Find Mentors, Decrease Anxiety Through Training, and Much More
Mar 11, 2019
#362: Graham Duncan — Talent Is The Best Asset Class
Feb 28, 2019
#361: Jim Collins — A Rare Interview with a Reclusive Polymath
Feb 18, 2019
#360: Caterina Fake — The Outsider Who Built Giants
Feb 14, 2019
#359: Tobi Lütke — From Snowboard Shop to Billion-Dollar Company
Feb 07, 2019
#358: Ken Block — The Art of Marketing with a DC Shoes and Gymkhana Legend (500M+ views)
Jan 31, 2019
#357: Susan Cain — How to Overcome Fear and Embrace Creativity
Jan 24, 2019
#356: Peter Mallouk — Exploring the Worlds of Investing, Assets, and Quality of Life
Jan 17, 2019
#355: Greg McKeown — How to Master Essentialism
Jan 09, 2019
#354: Real 4-Hour Workweek Case Studies — How to Generate 8-Figure Revenue at Age 21 (Or Any Age)
Dec 27, 2018
#353: Patrick Collison — CEO of Stripe
Dec 20, 2018
#352: Dr. Peter Attia vs. Tim Ferriss
Dec 13, 2018
#351: Real 4-Hour Workweek Case Studies — Allen Walton and SpyGuy, The Path to Seven Figures
Dec 10, 2018
#350: Dr. Andrew Weil — Optimal Health, Plant Medicine, and More
Dec 06, 2018
#349: LeBron James and His Top-Secret Trainer, Mike Mancias
Nov 27, 2018
#348: Dave Elitch — How to Get Out of Your Own Way
Nov 26, 2018
#347: Stan Grof, Lessons from ~4,500 LSD Sessions and Beyond
Nov 20, 2018
#346: James Cameron and Suzy Amis Cameron — How to Think Big, Start Small, and Change the World
Nov 12, 2018
#345: Doug McMillon — CEO of Walmart
Nov 08, 2018
#344: A.J. Jacobs — 10 Strategies to Be Happier Through Gratitude
Nov 05, 2018
#343: Seth Godin on How to Say “No,” Market Like a Professional, and Win at Life
Nov 01, 2018
BONUS: Sam Harris Guided Meditations and Lessons
Oct 29, 2018
#342: Sam Harris, Ph.D. — How to Master Your Mind
Oct 29, 2018
#341: Nick Kokonas — How to Apply World-Class Creativity to Business, Art, and Life
Oct 18, 2018
#340: Paul Stamets — How Mushrooms Can Save You and (Perhaps) the World
Oct 11, 2018
#339: Samin Nosrat — Master Creative, Master Teacher
Oct 01, 2018
#338: Howard Marks — How to Invest with Clear Thinking
Sep 25, 2018
#337: Hamilton Morris on Better Living Through Chemistry: Psychedelics, Smart Drugs, and More
Sep 20, 2018
#336: Scott Belsky — How to Conquer the Messy Middle
Sep 13, 2018
#335: The Life Lessons and Success Habits of Four Presidents — Doris Kearns Goodwin
Sep 07, 2018
#334: Drew Houston — The Billionaire Founder of Dropbox
Aug 27, 2018
#333: Random Show — Fasting, Biohacking, and Tony Robbins
Aug 17, 2018
#332: Coach George Raveling — A Legend on Sports, Business, and The Great Game of Life
Aug 09, 2018
#331: Ann Miura-Ko — The Path from Shyness to World-Class Debater and Investor
Aug 02, 2018
#330: The Return of Drunk Dialing Q&A: How to Ask Better Questions, Take Better Risks, and More!
Jul 30, 2018
#329: Jason Fried — How to Live Life on Your Own Terms
Jul 23, 2018
#328: How to Say “No” Gracefully and Uncommit
Jul 19, 2018
#327: Aisha Tyler — How to Use Pain, Comedy, and Practice for Creativity
Jul 16, 2018
#326: Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, and How to Scale to 100M+ Users
Jul 11, 2018
#325: Lessons from Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Ray Dalio, and Other Icons
Jul 05, 2018
#324: Cal Fussman Corners Tim Ferriss
Jun 30, 2018
#323: Tim Ferriss Goes to Maximum Security Prison
Jun 25, 2018
#322: Adam Robinson — Outflanking and Outsmarting the Competition
Jun 21, 2018
#321: Brandon Stanton — The Story of Humans of New York and 25M+ Fans
Jun 18, 2018
#320: The Art of Hospitality: An Interview With Entrepreneur and Hotelier Liz Lambert
Jun 14, 2018
#319: How to Succeed in High-Stress Situations
Jun 10, 2018
#318: One-Person Businesses That Make $1M+ Per Year
Jun 07, 2018
#317: Steve Jurvetson — The Midas Touch and Mind-Bending Futures
May 31, 2018
#316: Whitney Wolfe Herd — Founder and CEO of Bumble
May 25, 2018
#315: Lessons Learned Traveling The World
May 17, 2018
#314: Cindy Eckert (formerly Whitehead) — How to Sell Your Company For One Billion Dollars
May 10, 2018
#313: Michael Pollan — Exploring The New Science of Psychedelics
May 06, 2018
#312: Joseph Gordon-Levitt — Actor, Filmmaker, and Entrepreneur
May 03, 2018
#311: Nick Thompson -- Editor-In-Chief of WIRED
Apr 27, 2018
#310: Hurry Up and Fail -- Tim Kennedy
Apr 22, 2018
#309: Astro Teller, CEO of X - How to Think 10x Bigger
Apr 18, 2018
#308: Inside Out with Katie Couric
Apr 12, 2018
#307: Karlie Kloss - Entrepreneur and Supermodel
Apr 04, 2018
#306: Discipline, Sex, Psychedelics, and More — The Return of Drunk Dialing
Mar 28, 2018
#305: Daniel Pink — How to Make Better Decisions and Be More Creative
Mar 25, 2018
#304: How to Prioritize Your Life and Make Time for What Matters
Mar 22, 2018
#303: How to Do Crazy Good Turns -- Frank Blake
Mar 15, 2018
#302: Own the Day, Own Your Life - Aubrey Marcus
Mar 13, 2018
#301: Joe Gebbia – Co-Founder of Airbnb
Mar 08, 2018
#300: Jack Kornfield - Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy in the Present
Mar 05, 2018
#299: How to Secure Financial Freedom, Maximize Productivity, and Protect Your Health
Mar 01, 2018
#298: Dr. Gabor Mate - New Paradigms, Ayahuasca, and Redefining Addiction
Feb 20, 2018
#297: Bob Metcalfe — The Man (and Lessons) Behind Ethernet, Metcalfe’s Law, and More
Feb 14, 2018
#296: How to Build Popular Podcasts and Blogs
Feb 10, 2018
#295: The 4-Hour Workweek Revisited
Feb 03, 2018
#294: Best Investments, Bad Advice to Avoid, and Other Life Lessons
Jan 26, 2018
#293: Catherine Hoke — The Master of Second Chances
Jan 21, 2018
#292: Lessons and Warnings from Successful Risk Takers
Jan 18, 2018
#291: Overcoming, Managing, and Using Fear
Jan 14, 2018
#290: Gretchen Rubin — Experiments in Happiness and Creativity
Jan 10, 2018
#289: How to Handle Information Overwhelm (and Social Media)
Jan 04, 2018
#288: Lessons from Bozoma Saint John -- From Spike Lee to Uber, From Ghana to Silicon Valley
Dec 27, 2017
#287: Terry Crews — How to Have, Do, and Be All You Want
Dec 20, 2017
#286: The Man Who Taught Me How to Invest
Dec 16, 2017
#285: Preserving Human Life, Battling the Busy Trap, and How to Stay Focused -- M. Sanjayan
Dec 07, 2017
#284: The Answers to My Favorite Questions
Dec 03, 2017
#283: Managing Procrastination, Predicting the Future, and Finding Happiness - Tim Urban
Nov 30, 2017
#282: How to Say No
Nov 25, 2017
#281: Stewart Brand - The Polymath of Polymaths
Nov 21, 2017
#280: The Erotic Playbook of a Top-Earning Sex Worker (NSFW)
Nov 17, 2017
#279: The Most Curious Man in Hollywood — Brian Grazer
Nov 12, 2017
#278: Tim O'Reilly - The Trend Spotter
Nov 08, 2017
#277: Sharon Salzberg, World-Renowned Meditation Teacher
Nov 03, 2017
#276: Terry Laughlin, The Master Who Changed My Life
Oct 29, 2017
#275: Discipline Equals Freedom -- Jocko Willink
Oct 20, 2017
#274: Arianna Huffington, Media Maven
Oct 18, 2017
#273: Lessons from Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, and Ben Franklin
Oct 14, 2017
#272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire
Oct 09, 2017
#271: Intimacy, Emotional Baggage, Relationship Longevity, and More - Esther Perel
Oct 08, 2017
#270: Investing Wisdom from Marc Andreessen, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Chris Sacca, and Others
Oct 05, 2017
#269: The 3 Critical Rules of Branding
Oct 03, 2017
#268: Eric Ripert -- Lessons in Mastery and Mindfulness
Sep 29, 2017
#267: Tools and Tips for Better Sleep
Sep 26, 2017
#266: Favorite Books, Supplements, Simple Technologies, and More
Sep 22, 2017
#265: Bill Burr — The Comedian's Comedian
Sep 18, 2017
#264: Ray Dalio, The Steve Jobs of Investing
Sep 13, 2017
#263: Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky — Exploring Creativity, Ignoring Critics, and Making Art
Sep 09, 2017
#262: The CIA, The Police, and Other Adventures from Stewart Copeland
Sep 03, 2017
#261: Mental Performance, Work-Life Balance, and the Rise to the Top - Maria Sharapova
Aug 26, 2017
#260: Setting Goals, Making Money, and Overcoming Tough Times -- Phil Hellmuth
Aug 24, 2017
#259: Lessons from 50,000 Interviews: Larry King and Cal Fussman
Aug 16, 2017
#258: From Long-Shot to $50 Billion Empire - Bill Rasmussen
Aug 10, 2017
#257: Physical Training, Dating Strategies, and Stories from the Early Days
Aug 06, 2017
#256: How to Overcome Anxiety and Stress - with Adviser to Olympians, Michael Gervais
Aug 02, 2017
#255: How to Turn Failure into Success
Jul 26, 2017
#254: When to Quit - Lessons from World-Class Entrepreneurs, Investors, Authors, and More
Jul 23, 2017
#253: Morning Routines and Strategies
Jul 19, 2017
#252: Inside the World of SuperTraining - Mark Bell
Jul 13, 2017
#251: How to Live Without Limits - Kyle Maynard
Jul 09, 2017
#250: Myers-Briggs, Diet Mistakes, and Immortality
Jul 06, 2017
#249: How to Make a Difference and Find Your Purpose -- Blake Mycoskie
Jun 28, 2017
#248: The 10 Commandments of Startup Success with Reid Hoffman
Jun 25, 2017
#247: Cool Tools for Travel - Tim Ferriss and Kevin Kelly
Jun 20, 2017
#246: Building Strength, Improving Mindset, and Becoming the World's Fittest Man - Jason Khalipa
Jun 12, 2017
#245: The Magic, Misdirection, and Mindset of David Blaine
Jun 08, 2017
#244: The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency -- Nick Szabo
Jun 04, 2017
#243: How to Fear Less -- Vince Vaughn
May 30, 2017
#242: Phil Keoghan -- The Magic of Bucket Lists and Amazing Races
May 26, 2017
#241: The Relationship Episode: Sex, Love, Polyamory, Marriage, and More (with Esther Perel)
May 22, 2017
#240: Accelerated Learning and Mentors - My Personal Story
May 17, 2017
#239: How to Reverse Aging with Art De Vany
May 12, 2017
#238: The Savant of Speed -- Ryan Flaherty
May 07, 2017
#237: Exploring Smart Drugs, Fasting, and Fat Loss -- Dr. Rhonda Patrick
May 04, 2017
#236: The Alien of Extraordinary Ability
Apr 22, 2017
#235: Dorian Yates on High Intensity Training, Injury Prevention, and Building Maximum Muscle
Apr 21, 2017
#234: Marie Kondo -- The Japanese Tidying Master
Apr 16, 2017
#233: Cory Booker -- Street Fights, 10-Day Hunger Strikes, and Creative Problem-Solving
Apr 10, 2017
#232: The Tim Ferriss Radio Hour: Controlling Stress, Nutrition Upgrades, and Improved Health
Apr 06, 2017
#231: How to Be Creative Like a Motherf*cker -- Cheryl Strayed
Mar 31, 2017
#230: The Secrets, Tactics, and Creative Processes of High Performers and Achievers -- Debbie Millman
Mar 25, 2017
#229: Ricardo Semler -- The Seven-Day Weekend and How to Break the Rules
Mar 19, 2017
#228: The Lion of Olympic Weightlifting, 62-Year-Old Jerzy Gregorek (Also Featuring: Naval Ravikant)
Mar 16, 2017
#227: Conquering Fear and Reducing Anxiety - Caroline Paul
Mar 12, 2017
#226: How to Not Be Evil - Dr. Phil Zimbardo
Mar 08, 2017
#225: John Crowley -- The Real-Life Captain America and Bruce Banner (Seriously)
Feb 28, 2017
#224: The Random Show - Drinking Urine, Exploring Japan, and Figuring Out Life
Feb 26, 2017
#223: Calming Philosophies for Chaotic Times -- Krista Tippett
Feb 21, 2017
#222: Jerrod Carmichael - Uber-Productivity and Dangerous Comedy
Feb 18, 2017
#221: Mr. Money Mustache — Living Beautifully on $25-27K Per Year
Feb 13, 2017
#220: Soman Chainani — The School for Good and Evil
Feb 08, 2017
#219: Lessons from Warren Buffett, Bobby Fischer, and Other Outliers
Feb 02, 2017
#218: The Most Feared and Well-Liked Journalist in Silicon Valley - Kara Swisher
Jan 26, 2017
#217: The One-Minute Workout Designed by Scientists -- Dr. Martin Gibala
Jan 23, 2017
#216: Arnold Schwarzenegger Part 2! Bodybuilding, Investing, and Online Battles
Jan 18, 2017
#215: The Return of the Money Shot
Jan 16, 2017
#214: How to Design a Life - Debbie Millman
Jan 12, 2017
#213: Fasting vs. Slow-Carb Diet, Top $150 Purchases, Balancing Productivity and Relaxation, and More
Jan 04, 2017
#212: 2016 - What I've Learned
Dec 29, 2016
#211: A.J. Jacobs: Self-Experimenter Extraordinaire
Dec 24, 2016
#210: Becoming the Best Version of You
Dec 20, 2016
#209: The Random Show Threesome -- Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose, and Matt Mullenweg
Dec 16, 2016
#208: Ezra Klein -- From College Blogger to Political Powerhouse
Dec 13, 2016
#207: Tools of Titans: Brené Brown Distilled and Other Goodies
Dec 10, 2016
#206: Testing the "Impossible": 17 Questions That Changed My Life
Dec 07, 2016
#205: Mark Bittman on Changing the Food Industry and Living Dangerously
Dec 05, 2016
#204: Tools of Titans: Josh Waitzkin Distilled
Nov 28, 2016
#203: David Heinemeier Hansson on Digital Security, Company Culture, and the Value of Schooling
Nov 24, 2016
#202: Tools of Titans: Derek Sivers Distilled
Nov 20, 2016
#201: The Tim Ferriss Radio Hour: Meditation, Mindset, and Mastery
Nov 16, 2016
#200: Susan Garrett -- Master Dog (and Human) Trainer
Nov 13, 2016
#199: Stephen Dubner -- The Art of Storytelling and Facing Malcolm Gladwell in a Fist Fight
Nov 08, 2016
#198: Charles Poliquin - His Favorite Mass-Building Program, His Nighttime Routine For Better Sleep, and Much More
Nov 06, 2016
#197: Drunk Dialing -- Ladies Night Edition!
Nov 01, 2016
#196: Meet the Machine, Dave Camarillo
Oct 30, 2016
#195: David Heinemeier Hansson: The Power of Being Outspoken
Oct 26, 2016
#194: The Magic and Power of Placebo
Oct 23, 2016
#193: My Life Extension Pilgrimage to Easter Island
Oct 20, 2016
#192: The Return of Drunk Dialing
Oct 11, 2016
#191: The Art and Science of Learning Anything Faster
Oct 06, 2016
#190: Matt Mullenweg on the Characteristics and Practices of Successful Entrepreneurs
Sep 30, 2016
#189: Shay Carl on Wealth, Parenting, and the Future of Video
Sep 27, 2016
#188: Dom D'Agostino on Disease Prevention, Cancer, and Living Longer
Sep 25, 2016
#187: Jocko Willink on Discipline, Leadership, and Overcoming Doubt
Sep 21, 2016
#186: Tony Robbins on How to Resolve Internal Conflict
Sep 18, 2016
#185: Practicing What You Preach
Sep 14, 2016
#184: Shep Gordon - The King Maker on His Best PR Stunts, Hugest Failures, and Practical Philosophies
Sep 06, 2016
#183: Cal Fussman: The Master Storyteller Returns
Aug 31, 2016
#182: Jason Nemer - Inside the Magic of AcroYoga
Aug 24, 2016
#181: How to ‘Waste Money’ To Improve the Quality of Your Life
Aug 20, 2016
#180: The Secrets of Gymnastic Strength Training, Part Two — Home Equipment, Weighted Stretches, and Muscle-Ups
Aug 17, 2016
#179: What's Important to You?
Aug 14, 2016
#178: Tony Robbins - On Achievement Versus Fulfillment
Aug 09, 2016
#177: Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Aug 03, 2016
#176: Mike Birbiglia, The Sleepwalking Comedy Giant
Jul 27, 2016
#175: How to Cage the Monkey Mind
Jul 24, 2016
#174: The One-Handed Concert Pianist, Nicholas McCarthy
Jul 19, 2016
#173: Lessons from Geniuses, Billionaires, and Tinkerers
Jul 10, 2016
#172: Dom D'Agostino -- The Power of the Ketogenic Diet
Jul 06, 2016
#171: The Random Show - New Favorite Books, Memory Training, and Bets On VR
Jul 02, 2016
#170: Shay Carl — From Manual Laborer to 2.3 Billion YouTube Views
Jun 27, 2016
#169: Useful Lessons from Workaholics Anonymous, Corporate Implosions, and More
Jun 25, 2016
#168: Dissecting the Success of Malcolm Gladwell
Jun 21, 2016
#167: Jamie Foxx Part 2 - Bringing the Thunder
Jun 18, 2016
#166: How Creatives Should Negotiate
Jun 15, 2016
#165: The Canvas Strategy -- What Ben Franklin and Bill Belichick Have in Common
Jun 10, 2016
#164: Kevin Kelly - AI, Virtual Reality, and The Inevitable
Jun 05, 2016
#163: Marc Andreessen -- Lessons, Predictions, and Recommendations from an Icon
May 28, 2016
#162: How to Be Tim Ferriss - Featuring Freakonomics
May 27, 2016
#161: Lessons from War, Tribal Societies, and a Non-Fiction Life (Sebastian Junger)
May 22, 2016
#160: Assessing Risk and Living Without a Rope – Lessons from Alex Honnold
May 17, 2016
#159: How to Optimize Creative Output — Jarvis versus Ferriss
May 13, 2016
#158: The Secrets of Gymnastic Strength Training
May 08, 2016
#157: The Importance of Being Dirty: Lessons from Mike Rowe
May 04, 2016
#156: Joshua Skenes -- Playing with Fire
Apr 30, 2016
#155: On Zero-to-Hero Transformations
Apr 27, 2016
#154: The Habits of a Master -- Paulo Coelho, Author of The Alchemist
Apr 23, 2016
#153: The Man Who Studied 1,000 Deaths to Learn How to Live
Apr 13, 2016
#152: On Philosophy and Riches
Apr 09, 2016
#151: How to Overcome Fear - Lessons from Firefighter and Luger, Caroline Paul
Apr 05, 2016
#150: Morgan Spurlock: Inside the Mind of a Human Guinea Pig
Mar 29, 2016
#149: How to Live in The Moment
Mar 27, 2016
#148: Josh Waitzkin, The Prodigy Returns
Mar 22, 2016
#147: How to Avoid the Busy Trap (And Other Misuses of Your Time)
Mar 18, 2016
#146: The Random Show, Ice Cold Edition
Mar 16, 2016
#145: The Interview Master: Cal Fussman and the Power of Listening
Mar 11, 2016
#144: How to 10X Your Results, One Tiny Tweak at a Time
Mar 05, 2016
#143: The World's Most Famous Performance-Enhancement Chemist
Mar 02, 2016
#142: How to Achieve Self-Ownership
Feb 28, 2016
#141: Kaskade and Sekou Andrews: The Musician and the Poet
Feb 23, 2016
#140: Shaun White: The Most Unholy Snowboarder Ever
Feb 18, 2016
#139: Meet "Scorpion," The Real-Life Santa Claus with an IQ of 197
Feb 16, 2016
#138: How Seth Godin Manages His Life -- Rules, Principles, and Obsessions
Feb 10, 2016
#137: How to Practice Poverty and Reduce Fear
Feb 02, 2016
#136: Naval Ravikant on Happiness Hacks and The 5 Chimps Theory
Jan 29, 2016
#135: Luis Von Ahn on Learning Languages, Building Companies, and Changing the World
Jan 26, 2016
#134: The Tao of Seneca
Jan 22, 2016
#133: Edward Norton on Mastery, Must-Read Books, and The Future of CrowdFunding
Jan 18, 2016
#132: Chris Sacca on Shark Tank, Building Your Business, and Startup Mistakes
Jan 15, 2016
#131: Eric Weinstein on Challenging “Reality,” Working with Peter Thiel, and Destroying Education to Save It
Jan 13, 2016
#130: Daymond John and How to Turn Weaknesses into Strengths
Jan 07, 2016
#129: Recommendations and Resolutions for 2016 - Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss
Jan 03, 2016
#128: Derek Sivers Reloaded - On Success Habits and Billionaires with Perfect Abs
Dec 28, 2015
#127: Amelia Boone on Beating 99% of Men and Suffering for a High-Performance Life
Dec 22, 2015
#126: 25 Things I've Learned from Podcast Guests in 2015
Dec 18, 2015
#125: Derek Sivers on Developing Confidence, Finding Happiness, and Saying "No" to Millions
Dec 13, 2015
#124: Jamie Foxx on Workout Routines, Success Habits, and Untold Hollywood Stories
Dec 06, 2015
Jamie Foxx Mega-Interview - 5-Minute Teaser
Dec 05, 2015
#123: Rainn Wilson on Meditation, The Sexy Nostril Exercise, and Acting as Therapy
Nov 30, 2015
#122: The Magic of Mindfulness: Complain Less, Appreciate More, and Live a Better Life
Nov 28, 2015
#121: BJ Novak of The Office on Creative Process, Handling Rejection, and Good Comedy
Nov 25, 2015
#120: Will MacAskill on Effective Altruism, Y Combinator, and Artificial Intelligence
Nov 22, 2015
#119: Kevin Costner on Building His Career, Positive Self-Talk, and Making Dances with Wolves Happen
Nov 16, 2015
#118: How Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Alain de Botton
Nov 10, 2015
#117: Dom D'Agostino on Fasting, Ketosis, and The End of Cancer
Nov 03, 2015
#116: How Casey Neistat Gets Away With Murder
Oct 27, 2015
#115: Thinking About Extra Dimensions with Physicist Lisa Randall
Oct 24, 2015
#114: The Athlete (And Artist) Who Cheats Death, Jimmy Chin
Oct 20, 2015
#113: 5 Tools I Use For Faster And Better Sleep
Oct 16, 2015
#112: The Nasty Icon of Retail, Sophia Amoruso
Oct 13, 2015
#111: Should You Start a ’Startup’ or Build a Cash-Flow Business?
Oct 10, 2015
#110: The Tattooed Heretic of Wine and Whiskey, Richard Betts
Oct 05, 2015
#109: The 5 Things I Did To Become a Better Investor
Oct 03, 2015
#108: Comedy's Dynamic Duo, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
Sep 30, 2015
#107: The Scariest Navy SEAL I've Ever Met...And What He Taught Me
Sep 25, 2015
#106: Scott Adams: The Man Behind Dilbert
Sep 22, 2015
#105: 5 Morning Rituals That Help Me Win the Day
Sep 18, 2015
#104: Are Psychedelic Drugs the Next Medical Breakthrough?
Sep 14, 2015
#103: Drunk Dialing Fans--Celebrating The 100th Podcast Episode!
Sep 11, 2015
#102: "The Iceman," Wim Hof
Sep 07, 2015
#101: The Oracle of Silicon Valley, Reid Hoffman (Plus: Michael McCullough)
Aug 30, 2015
#100: Brené Brown on Vulnerability and Home Run TED Talks
Aug 28, 2015
#99: How to Build a World-Class Network in Record Time
Aug 26, 2015
#98: The "Wizard" of Hollywood, Robert Rodriguez
Aug 24, 2015
#97: The Evolutionary Angel, Naval Ravikant
Aug 18, 2015
#96: Kevin Kelly on Artificial Intelligence and Designer Babies
Aug 07, 2015
#95: Lessons Learned from Jeff Bezos, Reid Hoffman, and More
Aug 04, 2015
#94: Tara Brach on Meditation and Overcoming FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
Jul 31, 2015
#93: Jane McGonigal on Getting More Done with Less Stress and The Health Benefits of Gaming
Jul 28, 2015
#92: Maria Popova on Being Interesting, Creating More Time in a Day, And How to Start A Successful Blog
Jul 24, 2015
#91: Charles Poliquin on Strength Training, Shredding Body Fat, and Increasing Testosterone and Sex Drive
Jul 21, 2015
#90: Peter Diamandis on Disrupting the Education System, The Evolution of Healthcare, and Building a Billion-Dollar Business
Jul 16, 2015
#89: Laird Hamilton, The King of Big Wave Surfing (Plus: Gabrielle Reece and Brian MacKenzie)
Jul 15, 2015
#88: Stanley McChrystal on Anti-War Americans, Pushing Your Limits, and The Three Military Tests You Should Take
Jul 10, 2015
#87: Sam Harris on Daily Routines, The Trolley Scenario, and 5 Books Everyone Should Read
Jul 08, 2015
#86: General Stan McChrystal on Eating One Meal Per Day, Special Ops, and Mental Toughness
Jul 06, 2015
#85: Kelly Starrett on the 80/20 of Mobility and Performance
Jul 01, 2015
#84: How to Turn Pain Into Creativity (Whitney Cummings)
Jun 27, 2015
#83: The Maverick of Brain Optimization
Jun 22, 2015
#82: Sam Kass on Trials by Fire and Cooking for The Obamas
Jun 17, 2015
#81: The Rags to Riches Philosopher: Bryan Johnson's Path to $800 Million
Jun 12, 2015
#80: Thomas Edison's Formula for Greatness
Jun 08, 2015
#79: Chris Sacca on Being Different and Making Billions
May 31, 2015
#78: How to Build a Large Audience from Scratch (and More)
May 27, 2015
#77: What Do Google X, Medicine, and Great Relationships Have In Common?
May 20, 2015
#76: Rick Rubin, The Seclusive Zen Master
May 15, 2015
#75: Tools and Tricks from the #30 Employee at Facebook
May 07, 2015
#74: How a Computer Hacker Optimizes Online Dating, Opens Locked Cars, and Hijacks Drones
May 02, 2015
#73: A Chess Prodigy on Mastering Martial Arts, Chess, and Life
Apr 25, 2015
#72: Triple H on Pre-Fight Rituals, Injury Avoidance, and Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Apr 20, 2015
#71: The Master Creator - How Jon Favreau Went from Swingers to Elf to Ironman to Chef
Apr 13, 2015
#70: How to Earn Your Freedom
Apr 11, 2015
#69: Inside the Mind of Glenn Beck Is...Walt Disney and Orson Welles?
Apr 06, 2015
#68: Lazy: A Manifesto (15 Min)
Apr 02, 2015
Ep 67: Amanda Palmer on How to Fight, Meditate, and Make Good Art
Mar 30, 2015
Ep 66: The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide - Risks, Micro-Dosing, Ibogaine, and More
Mar 21, 2015
Ep 65: Supplements, Blood Tests, and Near-Death Experiences (Dr. Peter Attia)
Mar 12, 2015
Ep 64: CrossFit's Good, Bad, and Ugly
Mar 05, 2015
Ep 63: Hedge Funds, Investing, and Optimizing Lifestyle (Mark Hart, Raoul Pal)
Feb 26, 2015
Ep 62: The EDM Cinderella - How The Glitch Mob Exploded
Feb 23, 2015
Ep 61: The Benevolent Dictator of the Internet, Matt Mullenweg
Feb 09, 2015
Ep 60: Tim Ferriss Interviews Arnold Schwarzenegger on Psychological Warfare (And Much More)
Feb 02, 2015
Arnold Schwarzenegger Teaser
Jan 31, 2015
Ep 59: How to Create a Blockbuster Podcast (Part 2)
Jan 29, 2015
Ep 58: How to Create a Blockbuster Podcast (Part 1)
Jan 29, 2015
Ep 57: Pavel Tsatsouline Answers Your 15 Most Popular Exercise Questions
Jan 26, 2015
Ep 56: How to Think Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos
Jan 20, 2015
Ep 55: The Science of Strength and Simplicity with Pavel Tsatsouline
Jan 15, 2015
Ep 54: The Promises and Perils of the Microbiome - Dr. Jonathan Eisen and Jessica Richman
Jan 06, 2015
Ep 53: Ed Cooke (Part 2), Grandmaster of Memory, on Mental Performance, Imagination, and Productive Mischief
Dec 30, 2014
Ep 52: Ed Cooke, Grandmaster of Memory, on Mental Performance, Imagination, and Productive Mischief
Dec 30, 2014
Ep 51: Tim Answers 10 More Popular Questions from Listeners
Dec 23, 2014
Ep 50: Dr. Peter Attia on Ultra-Endurance, Drinking Jet Fuel, Human Foie Gras, and More
Dec 18, 2014
Ep 49: Tim Answers Your 10 Most Popular Questions
Dec 12, 2014
Ep 48: Marc Goodman, FBI Futurist, on High-Tech Crime and How to Protect Yourself
Dec 09, 2014
Ep 47: Bryan Callen on Eating Corgis (Yes, The Dogs) and Improving Creativity
Dec 01, 2014
Ep 46: Hating Tech, Hidden Japanese Gems, Sexual Awkwardness, and More
Nov 25, 2014
Ep 45: Nick Ganju on The Majesty of Ping Pong, Poker, and How to Write Hit Songs
Nov 19, 2014
Ep 44: How to Avoid Decision Fatigue (<20 Min)
Nov 15, 2014
Ep 43: Margaret Cho on Comedy, Bisexuality, and The Slow-Carb Diet
Nov 11, 2014
Ep 42: Rolf Potts (Part 2) on Travel Tactics, Creating Time Wealth, and Lateral Thinking
Nov 04, 2014
Ep 41: Rolf Potts on Travel Tactics, Creating Time Wealth, and Lateral Thinking
Nov 04, 2014
Ep 40: Andrew Zimmern on Simple Cooking Tricks, Developing TV, and Addiction
Oct 28, 2014
Ep 39: Maria Popova on Writing, Work Arounds, and Building
Oct 21, 2014
Ep 38: Tony Robbins (Part 2) on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money
Oct 15, 2014
Ep 37: Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money
Oct 15, 2014
Ep 36: Alexis Ohanian on Y Combinator, Getting Punched, and Picking Winners
Oct 09, 2014
Ep 35: Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis (XPRIZE) on the Magic of Thinking BIG
Oct 07, 2014
Ep 34: Ramit Sethi (Part 2) on Persuasion, Negotiation, and Turning a Blog Into a Multi-Million-Dollar Business
Oct 03, 2014
Ep 33: Ramit Sethi on Persuasion, Negotiation, and Turning a Blog Into a Multi-Million-Dollar Business
Oct 02, 2014
Ep 32: Tracy DiNunzio (Part 3), Founder of Tradesy, on Rapid Growth and Rapid Learning
Sep 26, 2014
Ep 31: Tracy DiNunzio (Part 2), Founder of Tradesy, on Rapid Growth and Rapid Learning
Sep 25, 2014
Ep 30: Tracy DiNunzio, Founder of Tradesy, on High-Velocity Growth and Tactics
Sep 24, 2014
Ep 29: What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars, with Author Brendan Moynihan
Sep 16, 2014
Ep 28: Peter Thiel, Billionaire Investor and Company Creator on Investing, Business, and Life
Sep 10, 2014
Ep 27: Kevin Kelly (Part 3) - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World?
Aug 28, 2014
Ep 26: Kevin Kelly (Part 2) - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World?
Aug 27, 2014
Ep 25: Kevin Kelly - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World
Aug 25, 2014
Ep 24: Kevin Rose - Gut Bacteria, Meditation, Startups, and More
Aug 22, 2014
Ep 23: Do "Homeopathic" Remedies or Medicine Work?
Aug 19, 2014
Ep 22: Ed Catmull, President of Pixar, on Steve Jobs, Stories, and Lessons Learned
Aug 12, 2014
Ep 21: Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park -- On Music, Creativity, Selling 60+ Million Albums
Aug 04, 2014
Ep 20: Dan Carlin - Hardcore History, Building Podcasts, Creativity, and More
Jul 29, 2014
Ep. 19: The Top 5 Reasons to Be a Jack of All Trades
Jul 18, 2014
Ep. 18: James Altucher on Saying No, Failing Better, Business Building, and More
Jul 11, 2014
Ep. 17: The Power of Negative Visualization (<10 Minutes)
Jul 07, 2014
Ep. 16 - Joe De Sena on Grit, Endurance, and Building Empires
Jul 01, 2014
Ep. 15: Neil Strauss - Author of The Game and 7 New York Times Bestsellers
Jun 23, 2014
#14: Sam Harris, PhD - Spirituality, Neuroscience, Meditation, and More
Jun 17, 2014
Ep. 13: "Productivity" Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me)
Jun 13, 2014
Ep. 12: Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Life Extension, Performance, and More
Jun 10, 2014
Ep. 11: Drugs and the Meaning of Life
Jun 06, 2014
Ep. 10: Brian Koppelman, co-writer/producer of Rounders, Ocean's Thirteen, The Illusionist, etc.
Jun 03, 2014
Episode 9: The 9 Habits to Stop Now -- The Not-To-Do List
May 28, 2014
Episode 8: Chase Jarvis, Master Photographer
May 26, 2014
Episode 7: Stephen Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics
May 19, 2014
Episode 6: 6 Formulas for More Output and Less Overwhelm
May 16, 2014
Episode 5: Jason Silva
May 12, 2014
Episode 4: Ryan Holiday
May 06, 2014
Episode 3: Kelly Starrett and Dr. Justin Mager
Apr 27, 2014
Episode 2: Joshua Waitzkin
Apr 18, 2014
Episode 1: Kevin Rose
Apr 18, 2014